Muziekvereniging Excelsior is an ambitious and sociable wind band with upwards of 40 members. The band is very diverse with members of all ages, from 18 to 80. The club has strong roots in Wassenaar but is also now expanding regionally. There are currently musicians from Den Haag, Leiden as well as expats who are increasingly becoming aware of the club's existence. With 10% of their members being non-Dutch, Excelsior can be regarded as an international wind band. Wassenaar boasts an extensive expat community where they have developed a very close relationship with the American School of The Hague.
Members of the band also regularly perform in various ensembles put together according to the occasion or event. The bands repertoire is as diverse as its members: all types of music are played from classical to swing and from musicals to film music. The most important criteria for music selection are that it is sufficiently challenging for the musicians and that it is also enjoyable to listen to. Once every five years the band takes part in the Dutch nations Concours (competition) both to give an extra boost to the performance level but also to check whether the band still meets the criteria to stay in the 1st division of the KNMO, which has been achieved now for the last few decades.
The wind orchestra
To give an impression of Excelsior, a few facts:
- All ages are represented, a substantial part is between 25 and 45 years old;
- The orchestra performs 5-10 times a year, no marching appearances;
- Diversified and attractive repertoire;
- A very pleasant atmosphere: a balance is struck between ambition and fun.
Whether you are in the Netherlands for only a short period or for a longer period of time, you are most welcome to join us. You can visit a rehearsal unannounced (to listen or to play).
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Excelsior rehearses every Thursday from 20h to 22.15h in its own building at the Schoolstraat 9 in Wassenaar.